Issue #31 - Model Engine Builder magazine
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Issue #31 features Dwight Giles articles on making Built-Up Flywheels and Paint Preparation. The issues also features the conclusion of Andrew Harding's Variable Compression 4- cycle Diesel Engine article, Stephen Wessel’s two-part series on the art of Lost Wax Casting, and Brian Perkins’ 3-part article on building a scale model Bristol Hydra Engine. The Centerfold article showcases Roger Butzen's Ford V-8 Flathead engine.
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More Back Issues
Issue #32 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #32 features the complete build articles and drawings for Shan, a vertical steam engine designed by Ed Warren. This issue also includes articles on making Split Bearings, Lapping Gears, using Corner and Edge Finding Aids, building an Edge Finder Collet Adapter and a Spring Loop Flattener. The Centerfold article features the Wright J-5 Whirlwind engine by John Meredith.
Issue #33 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #33 features the first half of the build article and drawing set of Gail Graham's original imperial dimensioned Lobo Pup Twin Diesel engine airplane engine. (See issue #27 for Don Brymer's metric version.) This issue also introduces Carl Wilson's new series on Three Arc Cam Design, with Part 1 of 4 focused on cam lobe shapes. This issue also includes Ernie Daniel's drawing set for visual modification of Ed Warren's Shan engine presented in issue #32. Additional articles include making an Optical Center Punch and Lathe Scriber & Degree Wheel. The Centerfold article showcases Dave Sage's Parcell and Weed gas engine model.
Issue #34 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue # 34 features the completion of Gail Graham's Lobo Pup build article and drawing set started in Issue #33, plus a 3D.pdf and a bonus article on lapping cylinders. Also featured is Part 2 of 4 of Carl Wilson's Three Arc Cam design series discussing various arcs. This issue also includes Dave Sage's and John Gedde's New Generation Ignition System and application article, including the parts list, drawings and board template. There is also a practical article with instructions and drawings to make a wooden box to display engines. The Centerfold article showcases Dwight Giles' 4 cylinder Black Widow engine.
Issue #35 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #35 features the beginning of a detailed build article with photos and drawing set for the Dwight Giles’ GEM 1 throttled single cylinder engine. (Part 1 of 5) It also features Part 3 of 4 of Carl Wilson’s series on Three Arc Cam design. This issue also includes articles on making a flat crankshaft, high-speed spindles for your mill, and making gaskets plus several additional useful shop tips. The Centerfold article showcases Dick Pretel’s V-8 engines.