Issue #2 - Model Engine Builder magazine
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Issue #2 features the complete build article for the Morton M5 Engine, including the full set of detailed CAD drawings. Some additional articles include Tether cars and engines, How to Lap Pistons & Cylinders, How to cut and join Split Intake Pipes plus additional instructions and drawings for Randall Cox’s 6 cylinder Engine published in Issue #1. The Centerfold article features Ron Colonna’s 1/4th-scale Whizzer Motorbike.
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Issue #3 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #3 features the complete build article for Hamilton Upshur’s “T” Head Marine Engine plus the full detailed CAD drawing set. Also featured is the Morton M1 Single Cylinder engine, with instructions and CAD drawings based on the Morton M5 published in issue # 2. Additional articles include making a D-Bit drill/reamer tool. The Centerfold article features Joseph Papp’s 1/4th-scale Ford Quadricycle.

Issue #4 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #4 features the first half of a build article for Phil Finney’s large Hit & Miss Engine, including detailed CAD drawings for several of the major components. Additional articles include building John Vietti’s small Magneto with drawings, breaking-in Piston rings, building a Surface Discharge Sparkplug, and constructing a Sparkplug Lead. The Centerfold article features Ingvar Dahlberg’s scale model Mercer Runabout.

Issue #5 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #5 completes the construction directions and CAD drawings for Phil Finney’s Hit & Miss Engine published in Issue #4. Additional articles include Making Washers, Springs, Cams, Oilers, and Grease Cups plus the methodology of Building Complex Engines. The Centerfold article features Charles Stark’s scale model 911 Simplex Engine.

Issue #6 - Model Engine Builder magazine
Issue #6 features the complete build article for Dario Brisighella’s Zero-Six small Hit & Miss Engine, including the full detailed CAD drawing set. Also featured is Part 1 (of 12) of Dave Bowes’ series on Designing for Performance—Valves. Additional articles include Cutting and Seating Valves, and how to build Flat Crankshafts. The Centerfold article features Ken Hurst’s scale model Super-charged OHV V-8 Engine.